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    Posted 8 years ago

    (813 items)

    The White Flame company lamp was a fun find, as it was made in the city next to mine in the early 1900s. The lightly tinted seafoam aqua glass is embossed GIANT, likely for its No. 2-size globe. Likely 1920s. Nickel burner plated in brass.

    The other one, I think, survived a fire as all parts of the c. 1888 burner had been charred black. It took a LOT of hard scrubbing and polishing to bring back the brass colour using powdered Bar Keeper's Friend and liquid Brasso, but it now looks great.

    Globes are not original, but they came with the lamps.

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      just love the aquamarine glass there made of sweet !!!!!!!! & the piccys really good too thanks for sharing SpiritBear
    2. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Thank you, Malkey. I thought I was gonna have to use them tonight, too, because early this morning a storm decided to knock out power for 117,000 people in several counties on my side of the state. We just got power back up in my neighbourhood, which is an improvement over last year's storm where we lost power for 3 days. The only concern, of course, is the refrigerated food. I read for half the day, as I spent the morning cleaning up and getting ready (I went to work at 4:40 AM but was sent home due to lack of light).
      The local internet news says we had winds up to 91 MPH, or 146 KPH.

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