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Zipper - lidded dish A - B

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Bohemian Art Glass2101 of 6681Kralik bambus tall vaseRibbed and dimpled satin glass vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (202 items)

    Here is another Zipper piece from what I am calling Anomoly B group. This company made great glass the likes of Kralik, Ruckl and Welz. They have no shapes that could type them to those three makers to date but it is possible they were made by one of them. I have no idea who produced these but they have distinctive shapes, glassmanship and texture. They are sometimes signed with a silver or bronze "Czechoslovakia". IBelieve they are from 1920-30

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      the shape reminds me of a U F O love the swirls !!!!!!!!

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