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PoliticalPin…'s loves165 of 1022VERY CLEVER "FOOL THE EYE" POSTCARD, 19o9 UNSENTFramed mirror
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (437 items)

    A Chyenne (but he doesn't look at all shy) named Red Sleeve, also called Panther--He was an excellent shot. 1880s photo. I'll just leave him here in the CW TEEPEE.

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    Antique Ambrotypes Tintypes CDVs Photo Albums Frames & Union Card Lot of 8 #X363
    Antique Ambrotypes Tintypes CDVs Ph...
    Antique 1800s Tintype Ambrotype Lot Of Men
    Antique 1800s Tintype Ambrotype Lot...
    Two CIVIL WAR RELATED - TINTYPES - One of Unknown Age #8
    Antique 1800s Tintype Ambrotype Lot Of Women/girls
    Antique 1800s Tintype Ambrotype Lot...
    Antique Ambrotypes Tintypes CDVs Photo Albums Frames & Union Card Lot of 8 #X363
    Antique Ambrotypes Tintypes CDVs Ph...
    See all


    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      I've always thought that Indians were handsome - I'm attracted to their strong features.
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Has this been posted before also ? I've seen it before.
    3. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Yes...this is time ,3..kyratangos request.. You see, both of us are enchanted with him! Now we can add efesgirl to his fans
    4. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Yeaaahh! He's back, for my greatest pleasure! Thanks Lois :-)
      Bonnie, isn't he beautiful?
    5. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 8 years ago
      You can add me to his list of fans..Wow, he's such a Handsome man!! Wonderful photo.
    6. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      WELCOME Vintagefran. You have great taste in men! Ahhhhh!

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