Posted 8 years ago
(437 items)
I love cufflinks... Specially spare, single ones...
Always thinking I'll use them in a project...
But no, they still sit in the "in case of" box!
This one is frosted crystal, onyx and diamond, marked PT & 18K.
1.2cm wide.
It had a chip on one corner, so a perfect candidate for kyratisation!
I used Judi Kins Diamond Glaze, an acrylic self doming stuff, to repair the lacking part, shaped it while it was drying, recreate the carved lines with a sharp blade, and when fully dried, frosted with a fiber glass brush.
I'm rather proud of the result :-D
And so you should be proud of that fine result!
Ha Bonnie, indeed I am ;-)
Thak you for your loves, Sean and Vintagefran :-D
Nice work Kyra!!
Wow, excellent job on this one Pascale and so you should be very proud!!
Scott, Valentino, Judy! Thanks, I'm now indeed proud of your wow comments and loves ;-)))
Ken, I backed it with Scotch tape and used drop of Judi Kins Diamond Glaze, an acrylic self doming stuff, to repair the lacking part, shaped it while it was drying, recreate the carved lines with a sharp blade, and when fully dried, frosted with a fiber glass brush.
Thank you for your interest and... wow!
You amaze me with your talent! I know the camera is the only reason we can see the kyracorrect at all!!! Looks amazing & 18k, very cool!
Woooh, Share, thank you so much for your compliment :-D
Lol, Gary! Goofing around... nooo... not you! ;-))))
Thank you my friend!
Wow great fix.
Ah, thank you Wandlessfairy! It was a try and I'm rather pleased with the result :-D
You always amaze me...Wow......I do not think nothing can ever stop you in your tracks!! Again AMAZING !!
Thank you Rose for your enthoussiastic and so kind comment :-))