Posted 8 years ago
(3 items)
This artifact seems to be a 1930-40's-era tourist souvenir of Seattle, Washington, home of Boeing Aircraft Corporation. This small (~2.5 inches wide by ~3 inches high) bronze statue depicts what looks like a Boeing P-26 Peashooter fighter of the 1930's with US Army Air Corps markings. Originally obtained on eBay in 2012.
I would love to confirm the era and original source of this souvenir (other than from Seattle!). Please feel free to contact me if you have any clues!
U.S. and German area countries also made these mementoes, they made a lot of these small items and sold them also in upscale jewellery stores during the war. Nice one !
I can at least help with the airplane. This is a Boeing YF7B-1. This prototype was created in 1933 and most likely given by Boeing to some dignitaries in attempts to gain favors. Due to the relative complexities in the item's artwork , it was probably produced by A.C. Rehberger (Chicago) or Dodge Trophies (Chicago & Los Angeles). Both companies had mastered intricate metal castings. Dodge trophies manufactured the Oscar trophies for almost 60 years.
Regards, Tom Sanders (SANDMAN OVERHAUL)
Tom (ohmyflyguy), I think you may have solved part of the mystery! It took quite a while to find the YF7B-1 on the internet, yet I did find it as the XF7B-1 (aka P-29) thanks to wikipedia. I I do agree that its lines do more closely match the aircraft than the P-26. I'm puzzled by the fact that it is marked "Seattle Wash" and has no reference to Boeing. Thanks also for the references to the possible producers, I will certainly follow up on those. Thanks!