Posted 8 years ago
(977 items)
Alas poor Yorick!
I don't usually buy European views but made an exception for this great image.
Skeleton and skull images have a strong collector following and this is one of the better ones that I have encountered.
This 1860s carte de visite was photographed by Clayden and Fewings of Faringdon, UK.
Reproduction of these images in any form is prohibited.
Paper weight.
I would love to know the book titles, then it might be easier to determine if this is staged or if he is a studious medic or just a ghoul lol.
Thanks buss and racer. The skull is just an interesting prop-- and not often seen in early images.
The phrenology head on the table seems to tell us that the man on the portrait must be a doctr, most probably a psychiatrist...
Karen, according to the back courtain it looks like a studio, but probably the model brought some stuff he wanted to be photographed with... i don't think any photographer would have a phrenology head or a skull!
Could be austro-- thanks for looking and commenting!
Thanks roy and vo.
Thanks gate and pw!
I grew up with a scull on the shelf in a closet. As a kid, I thought everybody had one. Father was a doctor.
I have a few images of Docs with skulls, so it could be an indicator of that profession:
Thanks buss!
Thanks much fran.
Always fascinated by your posts Scott. Not an old cabinet photo collector but easy to see how one could easily become interested. Great stuff, enjoy these posts.
Thanks much nobucks-- appreciate your interest and taking the time to add a comment.