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green lettered 'edgelit' EXIT sign

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Industrial Lighting64 of 144old lighted FIRE ESCAPE signold ALKCO (?) lighted EXIT sign
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Here's another of my EXIT lights, in a general 'style' which has been popular since the 1950's-60's with its edgelit clear plastic sign blade design. This example isn't too terribly old (possibly still in current production?) it being actually lit by LED's and still having its fully functional 'battery backup' hardware inside its top portion, which means it still will remain lit for roughly 4hrs without AC power. (I know this because it is pictured as it currently exists hanging from my own kitchen ceiling over the door, and the power here has gone out for that long or longer once or twice since I put it there...)

    I'd guess it was pulled from somebody's office building renovation a few yrs ago, I scored it from my local Habitat for Humanity RE-STORE. There are mfr's labels inside showing its particulars but I don't remember the details offhand, and can't locate the .pdf file of its spec sheet I found online shortly after I got it, probably stuck in an older computer than this one...? <sigh>

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    1. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      There are so many times I have had "company" that overstay their welcome---If I posted this above my door I could have it flashing as a hint to go home!!! I would think a lot of people would love one of these!!
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 8 years ago
      PostCardCollector -- while that's certainly an entertaining idea, which in fact would work just fine with nearly all my other EXIT lights -- it would not actually work with this one. As soon as the line power is cut the battery backup kicks in and the sign stays lit (though at a very slightly reduced brightness) so ultimately all you'd get would be a little 'flicker'. :-(

      On the other hand, turns out it does make an excellent 'night light' in my kitchen, providing just enough green glow to help keep me from tripping over the cat (etc) in the middle of the night. :-) I'd actually been looking to snag a sign like this for a few years when I found this one (and a 2nd, since traded to a friend) because I've always enjoyed their 'look'.

      In this specific sign, the green lettering is actually sandwiched between 2 pcs. of its clear plastic 'blade'. Other similar styles of edgelit signs can be found with the lettering actually cut/engraved into the surface of the blade then painted in. They can also be spotted with red lettering, or occasionally with different wording (FIRE EXIT, STAIRS, or somesuch) Totally guessing the oldest examples of the 'style' would have used actual glass, some I've seen pictures of likely date to the 1920's-30's and are in fabulous art-deco fixtures. (but I'm not lucky enough to own one of *them*... <sigh>)

      Thanks go to blunderbuss2, Caperkid, fortapache, TassieDevil, and iggy for sharing the loves! :-)

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