Posted 8 years ago
(159 items)
Anheuser Busch
Grape Bouquet
Pic # 1 & #2 shows as a possibility what Christoff1 bottles may have looked like if the labels were still attached.
Most definitely Grape Bouquet was bottled during prohibition (1922-1933) and was one of the products that kept the bottling company going. The bottle is dated 1917 and may have been used as a beer bottle also.
Pic #3 shows the date code, 17 for 1917, S for American Bottle Company (Streater, Illinois) and 29 (unsure of this number).
Pic #4 is an ad showing what appears to be the same bottle as in Pic #1.
Very cool! I have a Stroh bottle from the prohibition period. I am not sure what it contained though.
Yea, Breweries were bottling all kinds of goodies during prohibition. Probably some sort of soft drink!