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    Posted 8 years ago

    (48 items)

    I found this pack of firecackers in an old box in my mothers attic. they are some that became misplacd years ago. These could be purchased at stores in the late 1930's for a penny. made is china. Notice their idea of a COWBOY.very small about one inch long, 8 per pack
    We did hold them in the tips of our fingers. Others about the same size were called "ladyfingers"
    Other types of fireworks which were really dangerous were Dynamytes and Baby Giants which were about 4" x 1" and really powerful. They would completely open up a can,flat. Those were US Made and had waterproof fuses. When dropped in a creek ,it would stun fish. None of us ever were injured by these powerful fireworks.

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Fun find: Almost forgot about "ladyfingers" But the things we got away with back then without injury while "playing" with the larger explosives, Army men were a favorite.
      Thanks for the memory lol
    2. CWcollection CWcollection, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the comment. Yes we did a lot of things.if you remember ladyfingers you must be about the same age as I am..
      Best reguards
    3. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      The boys on the block played with these all year--not just on the 4th of July. my parents never bought any. I recall only hand held sparklers and only on the 4th.-.The Chinese were the first to use gunpowder. The graphics on the pack is really cute and funny! This is probably rare. Thanks for showing it. It fired up a long forgotten memory of the streets of Chicago. (I did have a capgun, with rolls of red paper with blister sealed gunpowder)--If we didn't have a gun, we were pounding the little mounds with the nearest rock. The smell, which I liked (!) is coming back to me as I type. I would never have remembered any of this without your post!! Cool!
    4. CWcollection CWcollection, 8 years ago
      Greetings PosrCardCollector
      Thank you for the comment, The paper caps are still sold in this Texas town. I may be wrong but the powder in caps is not ordinary black powder. It is sensitive to shock. In somecapguns we could put 3 caps for a louder bang.
      In those days ,not much was told to kids about safety. I got for Christmas a large chemistry set that had details on how to make black powder, and thermite and flash powder and colored fireworks l

      never injured myself or anything else. The booklet was very good.
    5. CWcollection CWcollection, 8 years ago
      Incidentally near my house which was on the outskirts was the city trash dump,open pit. We used to go there and find interesting things. Lots of letters and picture postcards from all over the world. I soaked the stamps off and threw away the cards. I never gave the cards any value.
      CWcollection, AKA kollector .....lost my password!
    6. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Sounds cool living near a place with discards...Imagine going back in time, knowing what you know now!! I was a teenager when I started rummaging through 2nd hand stores and I never stopped.My gram got. Me hooked and I am forever thankful for that..I think your posts are wonderfully informative!!I wanted one of those big chemestry sets but my parents nixed the idea. I married a guy who damaged a part of our high school with something he made from a kit! Eeek!

    7. CWcollection CWcollection, 8 years ago
      I enjoyed your comments very much. I used to go to second hand stores, some garage sales, flea markets,good will stores.
      At a flea market I found a person who had 8 cartons of 1964 Philadelphia Gum Cards. Unopened. At a Goodwill store down the street, I purchased a service for 12,Gorham sterling. Look and you will find. Now I have to stare getting rid of the things. As if I am not around they will become junk again
      I heard that a person bought a very rare wrist watch for $4.99 that sold for over
      Keep looking and something good,interesting and valuable will come your way.
      Thank You for your interesting comments.
      All the best

    8. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      I'm so lucky to have both a Goodwill and Value village just blocks away! I have supplemented my income for decades due to that. I have 10 items on eBay right now in fact. I must admit I do have fun with the entire process of going through aisles seeking and buying and then getting them listed... better yet...sold! Right now things are d slow on eBay...Do you sell too? Lois
    9. CWcollection CWcollection, 8 years ago
      Yes The things I find at goodwill I sell on EBAY. My wife goes with me and we both know the value of items that are there. She bought a large box of Jadite some time back for$ 19.99. almost 2 sets. can give you an idea of the value of an item ,but you have to join which costs a little. I have purchased some valuable things when EBAY first was formed as the item was removed but the seller contacted me and sold it outside of ebay, no can do now.
      Something surprising in your future!
      All The Best..
    10. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Thanks Ben for your comments. Interesting! And...I love surprises. Wishing you treasurer at Goodwill and beyond.
    11. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago

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