Posted 8 years ago
(559 items)
Narumi is the same company as Sanyu Glass, and I often see crossover of their labels. It seems that the Sanyu name is used more often for export, and Narumi for domestic markets. Narumi itself is a big home wares producer, and they sell not just decorative glass and glass ware, but also china and dinner ware.
This is a very sweet vase with it's yellow interior and that lovely light green casing. The casing on Sanyu art glass in often worked, and the artist has had fun here tweaking the case.
This would likely be a 1970s production. Height: 25cm
Another beauty!! Pure art!!
Such a vibrant natural alive colour.
Thanks for the love guys.
The 'tweaking' has added so much to this vase. The placing so well thought out too!
Very "czech"
Thanks Peggy, nicely tweaked reply too!
I agree Ivonne, many similarities.
Has some Czech qualities in my book !
I get that Rose. So nice to hear from you! All OK?
Without your info I would have bet it was Czech Skrdlovice! Fail!
Thanks Lizzy. Not a fail at all; most Japanese hot worked glass is identified as Murano or Czech, even by glassies!