Posted 8 years ago
(907 items)
This shape is new to me but really I bought them for the foot......I didn't previously have an example it. You'd have trouble placing even a single stem in these 'vases', so perhaps they are simply decorative pieces.
Height 21 cm./8.25 inches
Aren't they just gorgeous! They look like an Edwardian ladies dress; big busted with a frilly neckline, tight through the waist and legs, and a frilly flare at the hem.
I guess you might need my imagination to see that lol......
What Lovely vases, so elegant.
Do you think they could have taken candles!?
I wonder what's with that funny lip at the rim?
scott, thanks a lot!
Karen, just your equivalent of my 'ocean waves, stormy weather'. Sometimes with glass you just 'see' what you see :)
Ian, I don't think so. I've added a top down view so that you can decide yourself. However I think that a candle needs a cylindrical receptacle to be stable and burn evenly.
The lip is odd. Too short really for a metal rim, and furthermore no trace of the white compound used to fix rims in place. I wonder whether it's the re use, upside down, of an old mould as per Jericho's recent post.
How many different shapes at Welz's items and you still can find something new!
You are right, Ivonne, and that's what makes Welz so fascinating.
All the loves are much appreciated!