Posted 8 years ago
(98 items)
These I found myself, in the late 1970s, near where I then lived
in Poolesville, Maryland. The horse shoe is large, and found
near the old location of a Union cavalry camp.
Some of the bullets were found in the crawl space under our house.
There is a metal ring, with an "S" on it, and on the front is a small
door behind which could be placed hair from a deceased relative.
The item with "US" on it, was a cavalry horse's rosette.
Of course, I found all these with a metal detector, of the period,
a Metrotech. There are more up to date detectors to use now,
I am sure.
Not like the movies, they used more mules & oxen than horses. Maybe a mule shoe. Mules are to smart to go into go in harms way, so they used the less intelligent horses for battle.
This is a good comment. You can't see how large the horse shoe is, but it
is about 5 1/2" long, and about 4 3/4" wide. My late-uncle used to have
mules on his farm, and the shoes they used were smaller than this.
But I am no expert. Anyone here know for sure that this is a horse shoe
or mule shoe? Thanks!