Posted 8 years ago
(94 items)
Bought at salvation army iceland for 5.50$ it is 8.5 cm high and 14 cm across and weighs 1605 g. Its obviously blue but the othe color i can not see if it is pink or purple and sometimes it looks red, depends on the lighting :) im going to guess chribska but plesase correct me :) thanks for looking
I love this sort of glass too. I think it's a pinkish red that gets coloured by the blue in the base.
Chribska, Hospodka I believe.
Lovely a shape I've never seen before. I do think Vetraio is right.
Thank you all :)
I agree on Chribska, but I'm not sure it's Hospodka, his foot tended to be a different shape...... doesn't mean I am right though!
I think it is Hospodka because there is a numerical correlation between the number of lobes to the base (8) and the number of sides to the rim (4). This is merely something I've noticed on the many Hospodka pieces I have. It's not something I've read anywhere, so like Lizzy, I too could be wrong.
On the other hand, to me, this often seen correlation indicates a certain rigour that comes with education/training in design. It also gives a flow from base to rim that's not always seen on this type of heavy sommerso pieces.
Hospodka was designing for Chribska in the late fifties/early sixties before moving on to have a distinguished career in other areas of the Czech glass industry. After retirement he did freelance design work for Chribska.
I have some crystal pineapples which are purple but on a cloudy day outside they appear a complete dull darkish blue. Beautiful bowl.
Sklo42. I'm sure you are right. . the colours are spot on, beautiful! I only have three pieces at the moment, one in the same colours . The only thing I noticed is the bottom of my pieces are totally flat ..I'm nit picking ...ignore me!!
No, you are right that the base is atypical, but it is well executed and the outer rim is like a Chribska base. I wondered whether the centre had been ground out to hide a flaw. They were hot worked at the furnace which is why the 'same' shapes can differ considerably. There's no way of knowing.......only opinion!
I love this one Viking! It has great colors and a fantastic shape... Congrats!
It's lovely Viking ..enjoy!