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Egg shaped sculpture

All items77029 of 245758Unknown Godzilla battery toy, TohoHelp identify please
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (23 items)

    This item appears to be made of some stone like material. It has a sandy texture. It definitely may have been cast from a mold...not quite sure.

    It is about 13 long and maybe 8-10lbs.

    Bottom of base is marked.

    Collectors 85' inc.

    Unsolved Mystery

    Help us close this case. Add your knowledge below.


    1. hawaiianfinds hawaiianfinds, 8 years ago
      Any help or information on this piece would be appreciated.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      1985 would be a date, it is made of some sort of composition material.
    3. hawaiianfinds hawaiianfinds, 8 years ago
      Thanks phildmorris for input. Appreciate it.

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