Posted 8 years ago
(41 items)
Dear fellow CW's. Am delighted to be back after a fabulous holiday in Alaska in June and then a month trying to catch up with my work ugh. Here is my first ever American Mickey Mouse Pocket watch complete with box and fob. As you know I have a penchant for English Mickeys, especially with a beard ha ha, but I love this little man who came to me via fleabay. He works and seems in decent enough condition for something over 80yrs old so am extremely happy with my buy. Sadly Kerry won't be able to give me his knowledge, shame on you Trolls, but hopefully MickeysMagic or Vonsboy will help. Ps for those of you that live in Alaska, wow what an amazing State but how do you cope with the midnight sun !! It sent me crazy even after a week lol. Pls give me a chance to catch up with all your fabulous posts as it will take time ha ha.
Oh WOW!! What an incredible set you have there!
Fantastic....second issue style with critter box....great addition..congrats. Totally love it ????????
Oops all the question marks was a Emogies
Great find and glad to see you posting again, missed you and GLAD to see Kerry posting hope you will be posting more I think we all missed you!
Be careful, bears and eagles have been sighted in the Vancouver area. And whales
in Alaska of course. The question begs however, are there whales in Wales? This
latest addition to the mini hoard will fit in nicely.
haha vonsboy! That was a good one!
This is a really nice piece you found for yourself. Congrats on your first piece! bwaahhhaha!!!
Welcome back Wandlessfairy. Great item especially with that box.
Alaska ten hrs to the border from me. Mile 0 for the Alaska highway is close. Spectacular scenery for sure. Hope you had a great time, try British Columbia next vacation.Ill take you fishing. Great watch. :)
Ha ha ha. Thank you Vonsboy and yes there are whales in wales. The scenery was spectacular and we saw Bubble net feeding. Incredible.
Thank you Scott, it's also nice to see you back after your break.
Yes Shareurpassion it's great first piece.
Hi fortapache thank you for your lovely comment.
Oooo fishing with you would be great though am unlikey to catch anything like your last fishing post ha ha.
Thank you EJW-54, pw-collector, blunderbuss2, kgremax, officialfuel, Signaholic, TassieDevil and vintagelamp for all your loves. I have missed you greatly.
Yes MM is was great to see the main man back again and am delighted you and he like my new addition. Thank you very much. Here's to more love, information, education and fun on CW. It's what you do best xxxx
Hello Longings, bijoucaillouvintage and shawnicus. Thank you for your loves and stopping by.
OH! Jeepers! How great is this??