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E. Ingraham black enameled wood mantel clock

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JFranca's loves30 of 71Arts and crafts black opal triplet long brooch, silver, gold leaves and berries.Morris Family Farm 1967
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    This E. Ingraham Black enameled wood mantel clock was passed down to my Mom from her great grandmother through her
    Mother. My mother had it repaired approximately 18 years ago. It still works beautifully, chiming on the 1/2 hour and on the hour. We grew up loving and counting on those timely chimes. I haven't been able to find another with the same face, rounded ivory columns and Green marble look in order to determine its age or series etc
    It's just such a beauty and remarkable piece in time.

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    1. pw-collector pw-collector, 8 years ago
      Looking through INGRAHAM Clocks and Watches by Tran Duy Ly, I believe yours is a "ZENITH" circa 1915.
      Fancy 5" dial
      Height, 11 inches
      Length of base, 18-1/4 inches
      Marbleized moldings
      Imitation Onyx columns
      Gilt trimmings
      This clock may be fitted with alarm, when so ordered, at 75 cents additional list.
      I'm not 100% sure this is the same as yours, but is the closest I can find in the book.
      The "LUZON" pictured in the book, has the same dial as yours, but is a single column, not three like yours.

    2. Texas3JSisters, 8 years ago
      Thank You pw-collector for taking the time to look this clock up for me. This information is very interesting and gives me more to investigate.
      To the rest of the clock lovers here...
      We truly appreciate all the "Loves" shown to our beauty! :)
    3. Gexster, 7 years ago
      We have the same clock! This was in my wife’s side of the family for years. We are missing the key though.

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