Posted 8 years ago
(676 items)
sorry for the bad pics... art nouveau?
hard to see the wavy grain on them...
but it should be made of ebony and ivory...
signed to the rim next to her knee...
does anybody know where from and who the artist might be?
a friend told me to look for vienna pieces...
no idea
BB2 was here
What is the diameter of this? Think I can only raise questions, not answer them, although agree the lady has the character of art nouveau.
When you say it is hard to see the wavy grain, do you mean in the photos or on the piece itself? The grain ivory displays depends on the direction of the cut; the wavy Schreger lines are visible on crosscut segments, on many pieces they show only on an edge.
There are several features of the cameo as photographed that argue against ivory & for an artificial material, but none of them completely rules out ivory. For some comparison examples of genuine ivory:
Most conspicuously, you can see that nearly all have yellowed to some degree.
An example of a very convincing Celluloid cameo, also yellowed, is shown at the bottom of this page:
Another piece that makes an interesting but inconclusive comparison is this one. Despite seller's assertion, it is undoubtedly 20th century:
As for the wood, I have seen some dark pieces described as having been 'ebonised', so color may be no guarantee of true nature.
Even if it is not quite what you hope it is, it is still a delightful accessory for desk or dresser top. If the cameo is molded, the original modeling was beautifully done by this 'LS'. Enjoy it. :)
The Diameter is 7cm / 2.75inch
Under a magnifying glass i can clearly see weavy lines, but they are different to the ones i can see at the feet which are definately ivory...
The lines on top are more like a organic shaped line surrounded one after another.... like a cut though wood but not of circular shape...
The lines are following the height difference of the naked lady... hard to explain in another language
I don't know for sure that it is ivory.... but im sure it is not glass and not porcelaine either....
It simply feels too warm for that
I've just added a picture showing the weavy lines which I've tried to explain....
they appear like the lines on the picture of this piano key tops
It has been a very long time since piano keys were made of genuine ivory. The grain on the one in the link does not look like any natural ivory I have seen. The 'grain' your closeup shows is also not consistent with ivory. The way it changes direction in places, is deformed by the curves of the lady, indicates it was molded.
It does not quite look like Celluloid, but does look like something similar. These materials are also warmer to the touch than glass or porcelain, while still feeling cool, as anything smooth does.
This is the best explanation of the various types of ivory & fakes I have found:
Something I sometimes do is apply the 'tooth test' used for telling real & fake pearls apart: lightly scrape the edges of my teeth on the material. Organic materials of all types will feel slightly grainy or rough compared with imitations. However, well polished natural material can feel extremely smooth; to detect the difference, sometimes you need a known artificial example to compare at the same time.
I still think it is a lovely little piece. :)
No idea what it is.... just made the needle test
Nothing happened... at least i know it is not plastic
Underneath something is written in kurrent gothik handwriting... which i can't read.... i've tried to picture it but it is to faded for my Camera
i haven't identified the artist but i've asked a specialist and he said it is ivory for sure... at least one question solved
If you want a free 2nd opinion, you can send it to me. I was just kidding about leaving soon ! LOL !!