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Gerda Heuckeroth designed set of three Urania Plaques for Ceramano

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European Art Pottery471 of 2115wgp wall plaquePorcelain Jar
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (676 items)

    three west german pottery wall plaques, designed by Gerda Heuckeroth in and manufactured by Ceramano in the 1960’s
    each is marked ’61 Urania Ceramano W-Germany Handarbeit (hand made) and with the legated signature who did it.
    space decor in an funky combination of colors in different metallic and shiny glazes.
    29cm x 29cm approx. 11.45" x 11.45"
    the brown plaque is quite rare, owned two or three of them over the years.
    the yellow plaque is more rare, never owned one.
    the purple plaque... I never heard of a purple, never saw one and can't find one searching the web...

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    1. rockbat, 8 years ago
      Fantastic. I love these.
    2. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Wow!! These are brilliant!

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