Posted 8 years ago
(437 items)
Cool art Nouveau Womans Head artwork on back--See photo # 2.Front statement is a kind of inference that the man is fat!!" He's a swell on the beach!
I love the poster type art and those Nouveau "Gibson Girls, commenting on the mans "tummy"! c. 1908" Unposted. Place for a 1 cent stamp.
Copyright Walter Wellman--Is that also the flourished artist signature?
Although the Bamforth company was best known in the United Kingdom for producing a wide range of topographical and tourist postcards as well as 'saucy' seaside cards, what is less well known was their rich history of filmmaking. Drawing heavily on their work with magic lantern cinema, the company began making monochrome films in 1898. The popularity of these films, in particular those featuring a character named Winky, led to a film industry in West Yorkshire which for a time surpassed that of Hollywood in terms of productivity and originality. It is also believed the company invented film editing with the release in 1899 of The Kiss in the Tunnel.
In September 2010, on the 100th anniversary of the original launch of the postcards, the new owner Ian Wallace has relaunched the publication and sale of the postcards, with the Jane Evans Licensing Consultancy.[3] Currently Mercury Print & Packaging, in Leeds have been granted the exclusive right to reprint and distribute [4]
My card pictured is the vintage card But even repros I have seen have the 1 cent stampbox.. Of course a card that was sent thru the mail is a blessing under the circumstances.
If you have more information on this subject, please let us know.
Ma'am, America and England have been reprinting vintage postcards since at least the 1960s. The 1980s one seem to be of the highest quality, though not printed in the original ways. A 'antique' (turning to flea market as they even sell modern used beds and new clothes!) store here has one booth with 3 shelves of postcards, from which I have found many repros. Most are marked as such or have other easy ways to tell (postal codes from where the manufacturer is located, for example-- yes, England has postal codes like America). Others are done so poorly it's easy to tell.
The repro I got of a Hallowe'n Postcard(Phillipines) was lightweight, so as soom=n as I touched it I knew I was "had"-- I still have it in my album---to remind me--but as I uually buy mailed postcards--I believe that MAY be my only repto. Funny that I haven't come up with more over the years,
I think one of the Brit ones I had on CW May be a repto. I can put it on again after I look at it with scrutiny.
Bamforth has reprinted a whole lotta "nasty cards" that are really offensive I can
not imagine them being collected--I suppose as a genre they thanks!!