Posted 8 years ago
(977 items)
Weird images have a strong collector interest and corresponding high values.
As an image dealer and collector, I am always looking for that next odd ball image. This one was a surprise-- I have numerous animal images, but this is the first opossum that I have been able to find.
He looks a little small, but there is no doubt of what he is based on that nose!
The image is a late 19th century loose tintype by an unknown photographer.
Reproduction of these images in any form is prohibited.
Thanks rico and scott.
Thanks spirit and roy.
Thanks bobby and vo.
Is that a possum home they have made for him? Such a neat photo Scott.
you know rats are very domestic animals and quite friendly
Thanks racer-- sure looks like it was the opossum house!
Thanks kiva. I am not familiar with rats-- this is a opossum.
Thanks buss, tassie and jlmam.
Thanks much nobucks and fran.