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Jadeite art deco earrings: kyratisation.

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Peasejean55's loves537 of 3575Antique Moonstone NecklaceAntique jadeite earrings, gold and diamonds deco mount. KYRATISED.
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (436 items)

    Here are the pics of the repairing evolution.

    Pic#1: broken "tail" of the jadeite half loop.

    Pic#2: upper part of the earring, lacks recreated with "jade effect Fimo" polymer clay begore baking.

    Pic#3: ready to bake in the oven, the polymer clay is pale opaque green...
    (the earring of pic2 and the two "tails" modelled on the earrings then removed for baking)

    Pic#4: after 30 minutes in the oven at 110° Celsius.
    The polymer clay became vivid and translucent apple green!

    Superglue for fixing the "tails" on the jadeite, matching colors with permanent markers.

    A careful filing and polishing will give the final look :-D

    I'm very pleased with this Fimo jade effect stuff, the transformation after baking is stunning!!!

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Beautiful! What a talented person. :-)))))
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Wow .......Your such an Amazing and Talented Person!!! The 8th wonder of the world with your talent !!!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 8 years ago
      Kyra..rrific !! :)
    5. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Bonnie, Thanks! The big affair here was finding the right stuff for the repair... and patience ;-)

      Rose! Glad to see you!!! Really, 8th wonder of the world??? Waayyy too much enthusiastic! So... billion thanks to you for your extraordinary comment ;-)))

      Karen, thank you very much for your support and appreciation :-)

      Mike! Thanks for your kind comment on the "jadeification" :-)

      Many thanks too for your loves, Bonnie, Jean, Caperkid, Vetraio, Rose and Mike!
    6. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      Fantastic love the color and kyralisation!
    7. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Amazing makeover Pascale.....!!!
    8. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Marga, thank you, I'm still amazed by the product ant its effect!

      Judy, awww, thanks!!!
    9. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Thanks my friend! For the wonderful comment and the beautiful song :-))
      Have a nice day :-D
    10. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Huge collective thanks to all of you, 26 lovers!

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