Posted 8 years ago
(1 item)
This appears to be a pottery material, the marking could be WS&S 107 but I have no idea. This was at my grandparent's house for over 30 years when they passed in the 1980's, but unsure when or where they got it. If anyone can solve what this is it would be great.
Could it be a Wilhelm Schiller & Sons Tobacco Box?
From what I have read it could be, but would they use a werewolf on it? We're werewolfs emblems common in this timeframe? I think that Wilhelmina Schiller & Son was in operation from 1885 - world war 1.
Thanks for your comment it was insightful and I am learning more about this item.
I do not see a werewolf just a man with beard ? Very nice family keepsake
Here is your box
The face like yours also
Awesome thank you very much ....this is the best news.
Your very welcome :-) Glad to have you with us .