Posted 8 years ago
(3 items)
A Goodwill auction item I won a few years back when I was collecting
elephants. I have since purged that collection except for this one
piece I was using in a wall collage.
It looks like a page out of a middle eastern book. I would appreciate
any help in identifying the source.
Thanks for looking!
Persian illuminated manuscript. I wonder if ours came from the same book. Mine had the exact same mounting tape and effeminate characters. I found mine at a thrift-store as well. Surely from the same framer, which seems to be based in India if the current one is the same as who framed mine.
SpiritBear, what are the dimensions on your piece? This one is 5 3/4 x 9 inches.
Interesting that yours was framed in the same manner. The frame appears to be
solid maple or birch.
Thanks for commenting, I'm going to read over yours again.
I remember seeing pages like this, in antique malls ten years ago or more. I think some one was tearing books up for the nice artwork, and framing them to sell in gallerys.
sorry, galleries