Posted 14 years ago
(6 items)
I was chillin down in the basement because it's so hot and humid and i happened to find this. I been looking online and it appears to be a Mk2 or M39 pineapple grenade but can't be too sure. Not sure what era it's from. When i first saw it i thought it was a plastic toy grenade from when i was a kid, but this is the real deal. I can only imagine what a person has to do to dismantle a grenade.
There is a hole on the bottom as if someone cut the bottom of it off to remove the explosives. If this is a training grenade it's still cool. I should show this to my uncle he was in the Marines during Vietnam, but he'd probably have a flashback.
Do not stop ! Go straight to your bomb squad !!!!!! these become unstable ! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DIMANTLE OR DEFUSE !!!!!!
Call you local Police Department !
The grenade is most likely a training grenade. I have similar ones in my collection. I can tell by the markings on the body as well as the top. Some will have a hole drilled in the bottom.
It is yours and you can do as you please but were it mine I would have some sort of professional look at it, Just my opinion.......
My uncle is a professional. He served in Vietnam and is a retired police detective. My whole family on my father's side are cops. They are all professionals.
Very nice, I see you have added information that was not in your original post. I say enjoy if it is treated as you say. I'm not a pro so I thought I was giving good advise, doesn't mean you must take it. Sorry if I offended :(