Posted 8 years ago
(1778 items)
This way-fun little item actually discovered discarded in a corner of an outbuilding on the farm, totally overlooked until I happened to notice an unexpected little glimmer of blue shining out from amongst the mostly otherwise brown detrius on the floor. SO glad I found and rescued it! :-)
This is a (Sears) SILVERTONE LIGHTNING ARRESTER (sic) which would have been installed as part of the equipment associated with a large outdoor television antenna -- back in the day when TV actually came to us that way, for free -- all two or three channels of it, likely in black and white, and if the weather was clear. <lol> Probably ca. 1950's-60's.
It is made of ceramic with a gorgeous periwinkle blue colored glaze on the outside, it is unglazed white on its back/inside, and still contains a few rusty metal bits inside between the 3 wiring connection posts on its front. It measures about 4" long and 1-1/4" wide.
Nice bits of hematite with a background of periwinkle blue.... :)
Nice find!
I still have Poor man's antenna TV only, am I alone? LOL !!!!!!!!!!!
In the old days you could get two channels up here. Now with the new digital sytem it is none so you have to have cable or satellite.
Thanks so much to buckethead, fortapache, PoliticalPinbacks, SEAN68, and (most recently) MyCountry for your fun comments and <love it>s!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
I'm currently a victim of the local cable company only to get the internets too. :-( If not for that, I'd be right there with 'ya lzenglish. The sad thing is that I don't believe this actual 'TV antenna part' -- nor most of the rest of the whole setup it was probably first part of -- would even do anything anymore...? <groan>