Posted 8 years ago
(13 items)
These absinthe spoons are the "Losanges #4" model (at least according to Absinthe Originals, where the same spoon is depicted, be it in much better condition), and date from somewhere in the Belle Epoque period (1870-1914).
Once upon a time they were silver-plated, but most of the silver-plating is gone by now, and only some traces are left of it. They probably saw heavy use in a bistrot or café.
The stamp on the front says "GG Bté SGDG", which means "Breveté Sans Garantie Du Gouvernement" or "Patented Without Guarantee From The Government". The GG stands for the manufacturer, Gombault.
Page from Gombault's 1891 catalogue depicting this spoon:
Absinthe Originals (scroll down to the section on "Losanges" spoons):