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Just sharing to my CW Friends..........My Sick FUR Baby !!

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1469 items)

    ~ Hello CW Gang ~

    I have not been on here much lately as my best friend, and my furry family memeber is sick. He has not been feeling good since Sunday. I took him to the Vet but he was too mad and upset to be there, and they could not do any tests at all, and not knowing what may be wrong with him, they did not want to sedate him either. I do not think it is good. He has been vomiting a bit, will not eat his food, and then got diaharrha.

    The vet did give some pills to help with his vomiting, and some other stuff for diaharrha. Also got some soft food that I have to put in a syringe to try to feed him with it. So I am giving him soft food, and water via a syringe in his mouth. He does not seen to be getting any better. I am afraid.

    His name is Simba, he is about 9 years old. I got him after my Mom had passed away. He is my Furry Friend, and family member. I am adraid that he does not appear to be responding much, but this is only the second day after seeing the Vet and giving him those things that they gave him.

    Sorry is this is not Collecting relating, but in a sense it is. Every time I would bring something treasure home - he would always have to smell it and pick up the story of Senses that he would get from it. Sometimes he thought maybe he could chew on a string piece, or had to rub his cheek on my treasure to give it OUR home smell. He enjoyed crawling into any old suitcases I brought him, and he loved to watch when I brough home that German Metronome - AS THAT WAS THE CATS MEOW. He loved to watch it tick back and forth and just stare at it.

    Also when I would bring in some Plastic bags with my treasure, I would throw them on the floor and he loved to roll around on them knowing I had just brough home some more treasure. I THINK HE ENJOYED my seeing what new things I found and brought hime. Some of my treausre he just HAD to try that Folk art Barn I got ( and Yes posted here). Problem is could only get his head in the door.

    Yes He was my sidekick in Collecting. He loved to see what * Mommy* brought home so he could rub his nose on it, play with the bays, and entertain himself with my treasures. One time I got a boat with string sails on it. Super mint piece. Unfortunely I had it sitting on the floor and he thought the strings tasted pretty much for that Treasure.

    Anyhow, he SHARED every treasure I brought home with me, and in part WAS my Collecting Buddy. Over the years I sometimes would *pop* a pic of him in my posts, so I am reposting some of those pics

    Some people with Cold hearts will most likely report this to CW as not a collecting topid, but I disagree as he SHARED my collecting, and treasures. He always stayed away from my Glass pieces here, and just semmed to know.

    I ask for Prayers for my Fur Baby......Thanks for understanding.

    .....And if certain member want to *Trash* me and make me look bad and stupid here on CW during my sad time, then go ahead Anik and Alan. I am grieving here for my 8 year old fur Baby, and you people just do not have hearts !!

    Please PRAY FOR SIMBA !! My Collecting buddy for 8 years. So Glad he always CHECKED out everything TREASURE I brought home. Please Get better, but I am not too opmistic that he will..... >>> SAD <<<

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING // PRAYING !!

    ~ Rose ~


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    1. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      So sorry to hear your furbaby is so ill Rose :-( I know how much these become part of the family . I hope he starts to feel better but you sure have many happy memories with your friend to share . Take care my friend xo
    2. buckethead, 8 years ago
      Thoughts and Prayers for Simba, We have a green eyed gray Mackerel Tabby also....his name is Tim. My wife and I are very attached to Tim.
    3. Gulf99 Gulf99, 8 years ago
      You can have a 100+ items in your home. If you bring in a new item no matter how small they always notice it and check it out. They must have a photographic memory and smell. They are something else as pets go. Hope your cat gets well.
    4. fortapache fortapache, 8 years ago
      Good luck. I know the furry friends are important.
    5. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 8 years ago
      Hello Rose -- my name is Woda and I'm the profile pic on my human's CW page. We're both so very sorry to hear that your Simba is feeling ill, and are sending you all our best wishes that he manages to recover soon. I, like Simba, always enjoy inspecting all the new things that he drags into my house -- lately he's brought me several new comfy chairs to lounge around in, and boxesful of who knows what else to perch on top of. He even brought me a new houseplant a few weeks ago, but strangely didn't seem very happy to discover that I'd played with it a little one day while he was gone...but it didn't taste as good as the old one in the front room, so I might just leave it alone in the future. Anyways, I'm sure that Simba knows how much you're trying to help him and appreciates your efforts, even if he's grumpy because he feels icky, just like I know how much my human loves me.
    6. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      My 17 great old cat is on is way out too. Such a great friend. Rose hope everything will be better soon.
    7. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Thinking of you Rose and your Simba, hope all will be ok:)
    8. bijoucaillouvintage bijoucaillouvintage, 8 years ago
      Furry friends are family. Sending all my thoughts for Simba and hoping he fully recovers very soon! XXxxx
    9. EJW-54 EJW-54, 8 years ago
      I would try a different Vet, I was never a cat lover but now I have two strays I took in, wishing the best for you and your kitty.
    10. JImam JImam, 8 years ago
      Hope he get well soon.
    11. DecoVoo DecoVoo, 8 years ago
      Prayers, be well Simba
    12. Wandlessfairy Wandlessfairy, 8 years ago
      My three legged feline sends her meow's
    13. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Thank you for all your loves and Prayers, as they must have helped. He was one sick kitty with diarrhea, quit eating, and drinking. I think he used 1 of his 9 lives up. The vet I had seen before did give me 4 days worth of pills ( one each day ) to stop the vomiting, and probotics for the diarrhea ( 1/2 packet every 12 hours ). He got worse before better. They had also gave me some URGENT CARE canned cat food........well I should not say "gave..............Total bill for not even able to look at him ( very grumpy kitty ) was $ 223.00 for everything.

      So for every 4 hours I was pumping about 40 mls of water via a small syringe in his mouth, plus giving him some Urgent Care soft canned cat food ( also mixed with another 40 mls of water. As with the vomiting, diarrhea, and not eating and drinking -- well he needed fluids and I was determined to get that into him. Funny for being such a vicious patient at the vet clinic -- he was a super good patient for *Mommy* and let me put the water and food in his mouth. Mind you feeding time took me an hour each time.

      Just kept doing that.....and all he would do is go hide ( like he wanted to die ) after feeding him. After about 2 days vomiting stopped, after 3 days the diarrhea stopped, but still syringe watering him and syringe soft food him, every 4 hours -- 4 times a day.

      I contacted his regular vet and they suggested a pill to relax him and to bring him in, but they first also gave me a money quote of between $ 900.00 and $ 1500.00 for the full deal check ( like check urine, blood, ultrasound, Xrays, etc, etc ) OMG, but I was so afraid for him. That vet appointment was for Sept 14

      Then Simba did start to nibble a few kibbles...just a few, but I thought that was a ++ sign. I still kept up with about 40 mls of water and 80 mls of soft urgent care Vet canned food.

      On the day before his Vet appointment ( September 13) I saw him finally drink some water by himself. Another ++ Sign. So we have me still pumping all this stuff in him but I also have him eating a tiny bit of kibbles, and now I just saw him drink water for the first time in 10 days ( as he first became sick on Sept 3 ) where he was just not feeling well and quit eating/drinking. I still took him to the vet, and Kitty let some *P* go and the Vet used that for a sample. Kitty pill did not RELAX him at all. They would need to put him under - but the Vet suggested they look at the urine he expelled as that still would tell them something. But kitty was NOT HAPPY and very very mad. So I said sure. They checked the urine and nothing showed up, he said his ear/eyes were not Jaundice, and that it appeared I was keeping him well dehydrated with water/food. His heart and breathing sounded good, so the vet suggested that since he had drank some water the day before, and eating some kibbles...maybe rather than being extrusive, keep him on what I was doing, and see how things go maybe he was starting to be on the mend ( a few kibbles and now taking some water.

      Well today is the September 16.....and he has been drinking a bit more water, and eating a bit more kibble. Has not had any more vomiting/diarrhea either. He is acting a more like himself. I am monitoring the kibble he is eating, but still giving him some urgent care canned cat food ....but rather than have to syringe it into his mouth every 4 hours......he will eat some of that himself ( and he has always hated canned food, or soft food ) but now he is doing it himself.

      I still give him some syringes of water every 4 hours, and let him eat some the of the soft urgent care cat food ( as i put 1/2 pack of cat special probotics ) every 12 hours ( as that was from the first vet).

      Early today, My kitty playfully galloped down the hallway......

      On the mend I guess, but still do not know what the under lying case was, or if there is something more there ...but he was a very sick kitty !!

      When he did make some progress, I wondered and hoped some of you were thinking and prayer for I believed it helped.

      Thank you all so very much for the prayers!! kitty seems to be improving every day and getting back to himself.

      I am so happy. He is my collecting buddy, and I love him !!! The POWER of Prayers must have helped!! Thank you again, as i wanted to update you all.

      It was really, really touch and go there for a while.............he was really bad, but so glad he is still with me, and getting back to himself. Almost 2 weeks now from when he first got sick to now....Thank you again my CW Friends !!

      ( sorry for the length, but just wanted to update and PLUS if your a Cat or animal lover you always love to hear good news !!! )

      ::kissy:: ::kissy:: to all !!
    14. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      This is great news Rose, very happy to hear that Simba is doing well:-)
    15. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 8 years ago
      You are lovely Rose! God bless your adorable Simba, Im an animal lover...I know they are our little angels as well.

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