Posted 8 years ago
(278 items)
An another necklace that I have now for a longer time and decided to share today. This pretty black faceted beads necklace is flea market find. It is very long, cca 140 cm, and pretty when worn wrapped twice around the neck.
The clasp appear to be silver plated, but the plating is in bad shape.
Flapper necklace? French jet? Czechoslovakia?
The necklace is signed, but, grrrrr, I cannot read what is written there.
I have seen marking on this place on old czechoslovak necklaces
(like this one from my collection: ).But in such case, there would be written Czecho or Czechoslovakia.
Here are 2 words. I cannot read the longer one, it is partially hidden under the thread, but the other one starts with MA, then 2 other signs I am not able to identify. Maybe this is not from Czechoslovakia after all?
Any suggestions?
P.S. Thank you Valentino - could be simply "Made in Czechoslovakia! - but the "in" is missing. Pity it cannot be read properly.
:DDDD you know, it could be!!! the idea did not occur to me at all :DDD
Pity I cannot read the whole mark!! I dont date to disturb the piece
The "in" is missing, I dont think this is hidden under the thread.
*I dont dare to disturb the piece
I see MADE. It should be possible to rotate the ring to clear the other word from under the cord without doing any harm. It is thick & well knotted. :)
Thank you!
Unfortunately, it is not possible to rotate the ring. I tried it but I am afraid I would break the cord when I will push more.
If this were Czech, how would any parts that were trademarked or copyrighted be marked? Wondering if it is not MADE but MARC?
Sounds as though the jump ring either was left open & the ends are catching at the cord or soldered roughly with the same result.
Long bead necklaces, sort of flapper style, were popular here in the late 1960s. I had a long strand of fake grey pearls.
This is exactly how a 1920s-1930s Czech piece would be marked. I have several similar pieces.
Is there a black faceted beads manufacturer that has Marc in name?
P.S. I would say this is older, probably art deco, not 1960s
The 60s fad was meant to be a retro look. So hard to tell when bead styles have been replicated for decades, if not for a century or more. Also, trying to read the detail from photos of anything that is all black can be maddening. Was trying to gauge degree of wear to the cord. Quite possible the necklace was never worn much. See a tiny bit of fraying at the knot near the clasp. Only other thing I can observe, as someone who has made knotted bead necklaces, is that the attachment to the jump ring is still so tight that you fear to rotate the ring & I see no slack anywhere. Bead cord tends to stretch with time & handling. Beads are eternal, the cord they are strung on... :)
The best possible way would be to see the cord in person, alas, we dont have the possibility :( (Unless you are visiting Slovakia :)). I envy you your level of knowledge! I would say that this is an "old" piece - it just has that feeling, plus the ring marking... Might be that this was a much loved piece, that was well taken care of, and that stayed in the closet much.
I often see these beads here - so I agree, great popularity obviously. It is soo stylish!