Posted 8 years ago
(1 item)
This is a lamp i remembered since i can recognize what it was. Ben around me my whole life 43 years. Love the lamp. Wish i could find someone who knows of this lamp. It has original Leviton company light socket. Which that company started in 1904. Shot me some comments. Especially anyone who knows of this lamp. Thank you
SO BIZARRE -- never seen anything like it, so now I WANT ONE!!! <lolol>
In the meantime could we have more info/pics/etc. please?? I see the socket on top for a 'main' light bulb/shade (?) plus 3 (4 if one's outta view) little nitelite/xmas bulbs on top of the mushroom -- is that also a red 'golfball' bulb on its base, next to a black rotary switch knob? And what's the whole thing made of?? Did it originally have some funky 'mushroom' styled lampshade on top too, or something more conventional?
And for that matter, what about it needs "restored"? Bad cords/sockets/etc are relatively easy things to fix, usually...? ;-) :-)
I just LOVE this -- thanks SO much for sharing/posting!!
I have two of these lamps right now and I’m trying to find information on them! I know they are older than I, and this is the first thing that I’ve found on them so far!