Posted 8 years ago
(6 items)
I have not been able to find any information on this basket. It is a beautiful art glass basket. It's a teal color with opalescent around the ruffles and blended throughout the basket. It has a swirl pattern in the bowl.
I am looking to get information about the maker of this basket and any other info I can get. Thanks for all the help!
I have a dish , art glass, facny on a pedistal (low) with threaded glassl , color similar, and opalescent like yours--It belonged to my great=grandmother and is about 1900 date. Maybe you can go from there. Very pretty!!
also made by Indiana Glass for Tiara and called Colony Gardens, and the color was called teal mist.
here is a link to some of their handlers' marks:
one more time thanks for the info . your right on top of things me . thanks again