Posted 14 years ago
(107 items)
Bought this and another Bicycle today. About 30 years ago I had bought a VW Bug off this guy. I had run into him and started talking about the Bug. I handed him my card that has what I buy on it, and he said he had some bikes. That was 3 weeks ago. He called me today as my son and I sat along the side of the road waiting for my wife to bring me some gas for the dune buggy. This one needs a chainguard and some other stuff but its pretty clean.
Thanks toolate2 for the love.
wow that is a awesome cruiser!
Thanks tterrag7991,,it was a good day, plus he threw in a 24 inch girls Huffy and some parts.
wow that is a good day
wow that is a good day
thanks, officialfuel and beau5278.
Thanks dusty for the love.
Cool bike, what are your plans for it?
Thanks DavesCoolStuff and Hedgewalker. Well,,the plan is to find some parts and give it a restoration and build a vintage looking sidecar for it. But, it has to wait it's turn while I finish a couple other bikes. Ok,,,maybe,,like 30,,,,,but whos counting.
Thanks everyone.