Posted 8 years ago
(4 items)
My latest box i've found...i love it!
No idea of the maker, if it's modern or of origin...nothing. But i love it anyway :)
It seems to be made of stamped brass, with bone sections..possibly camel bone?
It has small metal flat studs on top of the bone sections..most have fallen off...i've saved a few more too as they are still falling off haha!
No signatures, no stamps anywhere.
Has two sections that open. Top section has one clasp, and inside is a small mirror, and lined with leather.
Second section has 2 clasps, and inside is lined with leather again.
4 feet at the looks like it's been glued back on.
Entire box fits in one hand, so fairly small, but big enough to hold a bracelet maybe, or a bunch of rings.
Pretty heavy too!
Anyone with any info, that would be great while i continue my search for anything about it :)
Its so cool! It's like a little mini pirate chest!
Thanks! I love it, i think it looks just like a pirate chest too haha.
Still havent found any info on it tho :( I'll keep looking.
I don't think it has a lot of age to it-- crude construction represented as old.
I used to see a lot of similar boxes in souks in the Middle East sold as "antique".
I believe this may be from India and the bone is camel bone. A good probability from the 70's. I love, love boxes too. I guess it's all about curiosity...I always want to know what's inside!
@scottvez I love the old look :) But if you have seen similar to these in souks in the middle east, then that at least gives me a place to start looking, so thank you :)
@shareurpassion Ahhh, so it is camel bone then, i thought as much :) I'll have a search with the India location too, thank you!
I'm the same with boxes..old or new i love the aged look, and i always think of what wonders could be inside haha. Really enjoy finding the history of older boxes, wondering where it's been kept, what was stored in it etc... :)