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Real life Rapunzel ???

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Photographs1091 of 5218Tintype Photos E.B. Nock (Photographer) Advertising Model Riverboat Stereoview. 1880s
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (47 items)

    This woman is part of the "Long" side of my family.
    Unfortunately I do not know her name.

    However when I saw this photograph all I could think of was Scottvez's bearded man.... So Scott... (in poker terms).... I see your bearded man and raise you the real life Rapunzel... lol !

    I couldn't imagine having hair this long today.
    I can't imagine the upkeep on hair like this back then !

    Theses are personal family pictures. Reproduction of these images in any form is prohibited.

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Wow - neat old family photo. Gosh, to wash that long of hair in the day must have been a chore. Bet it did not get washed that often.....maybe ?

      I have hair to my butt and to think to try and wash it with no running water would even be a choir for me
    2. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      GREAT image-- there are several known women from the late 19th century with long hair, but this is not one I know.

      Great that she is part of your family-- hope you are able to identify her at some point.

      Thanks for sharing.

    3. Tanni Tanni, 7 years ago
      antiquerose I'm sure it probably didn't get washed often. Perhaps braided often or up.
      Thanks for looking and the love.
    4. Tanni Tanni, 7 years ago
      Thanks Scottvez. I'm going through them all trying to compare facial features. Maybe one of the other albums will give me a clues.

      Thanks blunderbuss2.
    5. SpiritBear, 7 years ago
      I hate to speculate, but could it be one of the Sutherland sisters?
    6. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Doesn't resemble them in my opinion.

    7. Tanni Tanni, 7 years ago
      I agree with Scottvez. I see no resemblance to the Sutherland Sister's.

    8. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Hi Tanni, what a pretty long haired lady relative, nice photo. Good to see you here, hope all has been well. Really miss your gnome posts :)

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