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Large spaghetti cat and kitten figurine on pillow, marked Italy

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1 item)

    I got this from my grandmother's estate in 1994, and had seen it in her house since I was a young child. I was born in 1958. I can find no markings on this piece except the word Italy which I have shown in one picture. I think the technique is called spaghetti art, but have no idea of the maker or origination of this piece. It is large and heavy, measuring about 12in wide and almost 9 in hi. Any information I can gain on this piece would be appreciated, because I have had it now 20 years after knowing about it for 20 years before that during my lifetime. Thanks.

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    1. catsandtats6 catsandtats6, 7 years ago
      What you have is a very rare collectible. You are correct in the name 'spaghetti art'- the pottery technique used to make it was similar to decorating a cake with an icing piper. So you can imagine the meticulous process as each one was made by hand! As far as I know they originated in Italy in the 1950s, this type of ceramic is called 'Majolica' for its vivid glazed colors. I have been collecting them for 2 years, buying most of them off of eBay as soon as they are listed- I've seen photos of ones that I am after that I have yet to find for sale anywhere. All of the ones I have acquired I've been told came from estate sales, just like a hidden treasure! I hope you enjoy it for at least 20 more years to come!
    2. OKCPhotoGal, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the additional information. It is definitely unique!
    3. Pearlmoon, 6 years ago
      Ive think ive seen the same thing but without kittens it probally a spaghetti cat figurine

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