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Vintage Soveneir Canadian Penny Bracelet

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1467 items)

    ~ Hi CW Gang ~

    I got this from a garage sale. I thought it was neat. It has like several 1965 Canadian Pennies on it. Yes, they are all the same date. Look like real pennies, just a different color. Also, these pennies are kinda have a lip casting around them, and I thought the pennies might turn around it it......but they do not. It is like they are solid pennies attached with that casting lip ...or all part of each other. Anyway, the pennies will not turn at all. So are these made pennies, or still real pennies ?? Have a nice enameled Maple leaf on it from an Ontario town. The design and the thickness of the enamelling on the maple leaf look to be older quality enameling. in my opinion.

    I am only assuming ??? that since all the pennies have a date of 1965 - Might this piece be from that date? Just a guess here. I really liked this since Canada did away with the Canadian penny a few years ago....This is a Nice collectible keepsake piece.

    No marks can be found on it but the bracelet has a nice very bright color to it....

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~


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    1. Regan_The_Grunt, 7 years ago
      Hello Antiquerose,
      The pennies appear real coins that have been gold plated & placed inside custom made coin bezels to be a very neat addition to that charm bracelet. Perhaps made by a local vendor at a tourist attraction in Canada. The clasp does look to be older than what is currently used and may help date the piece, besides the coins themselves.

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