Posted 7 years ago
(907 items)
This is an octagonal light shade with detailed scenes on every panel. The outside is mat due to the paint but it has a glossy white interior. I think it's likely to be Czech, but if not please tell.
Diameter 21 cm./8.24 inches
This is just gorgeous! Do you suppose it was reverse painted and has a gloss coating for protection from the heat of a lamp? It's just a beauty!
Thank you, shareurpassion, for your interest. The glass is glossy white and of one layer only. The painting is on the outside and, in the depiction of the reeds in the water near the base, you can just see it.
I've added an image with this shade beside one where the painted scenery covers less of the glass. As I've speculated elsewhere, less hand painting may have enabled a maker to offer a budget range of shades!
Thank you, Virginia.vintage, lovely comments are always appreciated!