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Hand Blown Raspberry Aventurine 4 Legged Bowl - Signed

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swfinluv1's loves32 of 3147Milk Glass Vase by Kerry FeldmanLoetz Phänomen Genre Vase, PN II-1214, ca. 1904
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (308 items)

    Found this beautiful 4 legged bowl at the Goodwill store. The bowl is done in Raspberry Spatter with a Copper Aventurine Spatter. The legs are a light purple. One of the legs is signed.

    The last photo is my best attempt to capture the signature. My guess on the signature is:
    First Name - Miles, Niles, Mike and last name may be - Nige, Noe, N_e.
    If anyone has any ideas about the maker, please let me know.

    My thanks to all.

    12" Across,
    6 1/2" Tall.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      That's really lovely Dean. American I'm guessing by the signature placement.

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