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Fenton White Opalescent Epergne - 3 Horn

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (308 items)

    Some of you may remember my last post, about the Estate Sale and the Fostoria Vase. This is the 2nd item from that same Estate Sale, an Epergne made by Fenton. It's my first one, so, I hope you all like it.

    Dish 8 1/2" Across,
    Dish 3 1/2" Tall,
    Horns 6" Long,
    Horns in Dish 6 1/2" Tall
    Base 3 1/2"

    Thanks for stopping by.

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    1. Deano Deano, 7 years ago
      Thanks Nuts, I really appreciate the positive.
    2. Deano Deano, 7 years ago
      Feeling the "Love it" clicks from Vetraio, Mikelv, Ivonne and AdeleC. Thank you all for taking the time to look at my Epergne.

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