Posted 7 years ago
(1 item)
I purchased these in Ouray, Colorado last month. I was told by the seller that he found them at one of the gold camps above Ouray. He thinks that maybe they were used to cut the tin for the mine roofs and the miners shack roofs. The tool is 42 1/2" long, weights about 20 pounds. There is a stamp with initials that I can't make out but underneath is has Buffalo, N.Y. As you can see the ends are bent as if it were used as some kind of pry bar along with metal cutting. Any body have any ideas about this tool ?
Hope this gets solved!?!?!
These are called to as bench shears.
Forgot the link.......
PS: I meant to say they are "referred to as bench shears", in post #2......,+42+inches+long,+and+made+in+buffalo+new+york&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS760US760&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiF1o6YuozXAhVC92MKHVghCEAQsAQILQ&biw=1093&bih=510#imgrc=rXUoi234cC-ZKM:
Izenglish, Thanks so much for the answer ! Any idea why the legs have the bend ? Thanks, Mark
Your Welcome! No, i did not dig any deeper than to find the tool itself. If i come across the reason for the bent legs, i will post it here.
The bent ends fit the hardy hole on your anvil, or bench plate, for more leverage.
Izenglish, Thanks again for the great information on the shears. I've noticed this 'Hardy Hole' on anvils but wasn't aware of the purpose of the square hole. Have a great weekend ! Mark
Your Welcome Mark, and You have a Great Weekend as Well!