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Rings I Bought On My Pennsylvania Vacation

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jbingham95's loves1025 of 1130Thrift Shop Find 1,50 EuroThree sided bowl Sanyu Japan
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1017 items)

    A 925 silver and Green Onyx or Chrysopase Claddagh ring, another 925 ring with an as yet unknown stone and a 10K gold triple diamond engagement ring with an Illusion setting of white gold.
    The Claddagh ring and pink stone ring were 25 Cents apiece. I splashed out on the engagement ring - $20.00 at a local garage sale. I love it and wear it every day.
    I know it's more or less impossible to identify a stone from a photo, but I am really curious about my pink stone ring. It does not look manufactured, but stones are not my strong point.

    Thanks for looking!

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Nice haul, Bonnie :-)
      I bet your pink stone is an Indian ruby, but only not of the gem quality.
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 7 years ago
      Thanks, Pascale! I think it's lovely.
    3. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 7 years ago
      Fabulous diamond ring Bonnie.....I would be wearing it too:-) )
    4. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      Crikey Bonnie, are you a treasure magnet? It's amazing what you find for so little. Beyond Jedi......
    5. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 7 years ago
      LOL @ Karen! I also seem to attract junk, on occasion.... :-))))))
    6. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 7 years ago
      I agree with kyratango that the one is the right color for ruby, just not the clarity of gem grade. Green stone could be chrysoprase.
    7. Gillian, 7 years ago
      You have my vote for a natural ruby. I have one and the colour couldn't be any closer.
    8. jbingham95 jbingham95, 7 years ago
      These are absolutely beautiful
    9. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 7 years ago
      Chrysoprase - didn't think about that one. I wonder if a pair of earrings I have are also Chrysoprase. Will have to post them. Thanks cameosleuth.
    10. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 7 years ago
      Gillian - for 25 Cents, I am happy no matter which it is! :-)))))
    11. worthit2, 7 years ago
      For me,a lot to learn about stones:))
      All 3 rings, very pretty:))
    12. eloragems eloragems, 2 months ago
      Wow, what a fantastic haul from your local garage sale! It's amazing how treasures like your 10K gold triple diamond engagement ring with the illusion setting can turn up in the most unexpected places. You can check out here:

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