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Kralik Iris Stripes and Bubbles

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Bohemian Art Glass2146 of 6914Kralik - Caged glass (Vol 1)Bohemian Czech Baluster Vase Red Pulls and Aventurine
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (210 items)

    This pair show off another fairly uncommon Kralik décor, which you could describe as stripes and bubbles. Ground is a light pink with an interesting application of an alternating bubble and stripe pattern with an Iris finish. A really pretty pair.
    Stand 20cm (8")

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    1. Glasstronaut Glasstronaut, 7 years ago
      Another fabulous pair.... Simple but classic Ovid shape!
    2. philmac51 philmac51, 7 years ago
      Thanks again Glasstro - I appreciate the comments - cheers!
    3. jericho jericho, 7 years ago
      Ok, I have a good pair swap- these look ugly together: 0
    4. philmac51 philmac51, 7 years ago
      Sounds like a plan!
    5. Rick55 Rick55, 7 years ago
      Another striking décor that I've never seen Phil… a lovely pair!

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