Posted 14 years ago
(118 items)
Unfortunately I don't know anything about this piece other than it is a very nice looking vase. The vase is a beautiful blue shade and engraved with trees. There is wear on the base so it could be an older piece. I guess it is most likely from a European country. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hi from Sydney, Australia!
Nice vase. The blue tone made me think Strombergshyttan but the foot suggest Lars Kjellander or one of the family members. No marks? Kosta, Kjellander?
Hello from Silverton Colorado USA. I love this vase. I have looked for a signature as they are easy to locate but have found none. Have been searching Scandinavian glass but have found nothing similar as of yet. I will look under the names you mentioned and see if that brings me any luck. Thanks for writing.
scandinavian_ pieces..........I like the trees also. I think it is a great blue tone. thanks for writing.
Beautiful! the trees do it for me too...
The vase looks like design from 1930's, or 40's, type a pair of Gerda Strombergs models with foot from Strombergshyttan. The glass colour (I don,t know if it's blue tone or if it is the photography that lies?) looks like Stromberg crystal in weak blue tone. The engraving technique looks like old cupper wheel, and thererfore not later than the 1950's. The motive looks like 1950,s or erlier and more like Vicke Lindstrand Kosta or Hald/late Gate style Orrefors (not Strombergshyttan and for example Gunnar Nylund, Asta/Gerda Stromberg. Rune Strand i think is excluded, because he worked with dental drill, even at his Kosta-time in collaboration with Vicke Lindstrand in Kosta. A beautiful work in all case, regardless of who is the Author.
beautiful vase and great information -- thanks for sharing
Thanks for the information all!