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Vintage Trifari snowflake brooch

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Trifari Jewelry184 of 347Vintage Trifari bouquet broochTrifari  jewelry set
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1495 items)

    Here is a pretty 1 1-2" vintage snowflake design from Trifari (founded 1918), a flurry of rhinestone baguettes & chatons in a cupped goldtone star setting. Has the older Trifari pat pending mark, possibly late 1940s but I defer to my knowledgeable friend K, with thanks

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      The baguettes are fantastic on this one. Me, I love a baguette or two.
      I love you jewellery experts, always teaching me! I had to look up chaton :)
    2. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Karen I really appreciate being called a jewelry expert but am still learning and have to google a lot of the terminology, I'm not as precise as Eileen, I just know what I love - I knew the rectangular were baguettes, but had to double ck on chatons as well (these were part of the brooch description from its former owner)
    3. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanks for the luv Judy
    4. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks for kindness Val97
    5. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Appreciate the luv Manikin
    6. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks as ever Fort
    7. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Sincere thanks Bonnie
    8. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Ken, thanks so much for the info on this Trifari, I can always count on your expertise and so appreciate it!
    9. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you again for your kind words Eileen, I'm sure with you on the excess morning coffee, me too!
    10. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Total admiration! Love baguettes too, and so totally agree with Ms.C.....
      Bravo Jenni!
    11. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      With thanks Vet50
    12. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the kind compliment Pascale, yes I agree the baguettes make this snowflake more beautiful & classic, a lucky find for me
    13. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanks for luv aura
    14. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you so much Phil
    15. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      With sincere thanks Roy
    16. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 7 years ago
      A great find, indeed!
    17. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks very much for kind comment Bonnie, I was so lucky to get this, love the older style Trifari
    18. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      With sincere thanks Sean68
    19. mariasmerchandise mariasmerchandise, 7 years ago
      Love Trifari all their pieces are just so timeless that's a Beauty
    20. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      That's such a kind comment mariasmerchandise, I agree these older Trifari still hold up well all these years later
    21. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thanks so much for the luv raven3766
    22. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanks Sean
    23. Gillian, 7 years ago
      Baguettes rule! Lovely brooch, very lovely.
    24. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the great compliment Gillian
    25. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Many thanx for the luv plein-air-painter
    26. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Thank you foseatme for loving this snowflake, you're so nice!
    27. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Very pleased you liked this Alan, many thanks for the love
    28. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Sincere thanks for the kind love Sheluvs, this brooch makes me think that winter & snowstorms are fast approaching here in the northeast - gotta buy rock salt, nobody has any yet :( Really appreciate your kind consideration for my former posts
    29. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Sincere thanks six-0-one for the very, very kind love & bringing back many of my early posts, I will always remember how delighted I was to get this Trifari Philippe snowflake, all his designs were so perfectly lovely and the symmetry of this one is a great example of his work
    30. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Many thanks to you all for the love
    31. Newfld Newfld, 1 year ago
      Thanks Elaine & DejaVu for the love, very glad you both liked this and grateful for your kind appreciation

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