Posted 14 years ago
(118 items)
This is a vase made in Scandinavian. It is signed Kosta then V. (VICKE) Lindstrand. Lindstand was one of great designers for a number of Scandinavian glass companies during his life time. This vase has a number of geese engraved on the glass. One thing I am not sure of is why Lindstrand would design such simple, and low cost items. He is known for his classic, expensive pieces in today's market.
I just purchased a 7 1/2" clear glass vase with 2 engraved flying geese. The vase is narrow at the top, and wider at the bottom. The gold colored sticker says Johansfors Sweden. I can't seem to find out any thing about it online. Help????
Many thanks!
You will find plenty of this glass on Ebay. Also here is a link that shows a piece of this glass.