Posted 7 years ago
(1 item)
Hey I am in need of some help...I was wondering if anyone knows what this sign woul be called to look it up. My dad recently passed and I got this down the road. I can not find it anywhere. Its 22 inches long and not quite 15 inches high. I have not tried out the cord to see if it works or not but it is in okay shape. It really needs cleaned up as well but not sure what to use. The lamp is glass and the rest seems to be plastic. Thank in advance!!
Does this come with the fried chicken ??
That is a Falstaff beer bar light. Picture is dark but I think the person on the sign was called the Falstaff Brewer Guy. Look it up as a Falstaff bar light and you will find a wide assortment of them. Some are more rare than others and they can run from a few bucks to a few hundred.
This from the Internet:
The story of Falstaff has roots as old as the history of brewing in St. Louis. Originally introduced by the Lemp Brewery, Falstaff Beer was just one of several different brands offered by the largest brewery in St. Louis prior to Prohibition. The Lemps chose the Shakespearean character for the name of their new beer due to Sir John Falstaff's reputation as a jolly, fun-loving knight. When the Lemp Brewery closed, William J. Lemp Jr. sold the Falstaff brand to his friend and fellow brewer, Joe Griesedieck in 1920; it would be one of the last business decisions Lemp would make before committing suicidein the family's mansion in 1922.
Thank you for the background and information on this. I really appreciate it!