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Welz Umbrella shapes - 12 and multi-sided shapes

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Bohemian Art Glass2114 of 6905Anton Ruckl 1930's vaseWelz Umbrella shapes - 8 sided shapes
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (236 items)

    I feel as if I'm looking in the deepest part of the ocean... These Franz Welz glass pieces are very rare- in fact I am at a low on pics so if you feel generous (dear readers) please send me an email ( with more pics we can share.

    Welz made many lamp shades in 6,8,12 and 16 sided shapes.

    1. 12-sided footed bowl (with a detachable base as seen in a previous post) -this bowl has spine and elbow protrusions with a a honeycomb decor

    2. 12-sided oval bowl (missing a foot) with claw protrusions in a tango bicolor decor

    3. 16-sided lamp shade. I think they display great with vases and bowls!

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