Posted 7 years ago
(3484 items)
Went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market last Sunday. The main goal was to find a vintage tree topper like this one and a metal tree stand. That and buy presents for other people, did get one. Tree stands I did not see one. Only saw 4 of these tree toppers. This one was the first and the best buy.
The tree topper comes with a box but it is plain and unmarked. The other three I saw also had the same type of box. Could be a mail order box or one for collectors. I would think it would be sold at stores in a window box. This ornament is almost a foot tall. The unusual feature is the tuft of tinsel on top.
In the meantime Patrick Stewart wants a new train set. "What scale?" you may ask.
N gauge.
Lol, dream on Patrick.
That's a top topper!
Stacked like ali baba's cave, wonderful !~
Thank you very much racer4four.
Thank you very much Phil. There is more.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you aura.
Thank you dlpetersen.
Did no one get the joke??? Well I laughed anyway! :)) That tree topper is absolutely precious with the little tuft of tinsel on the top. You got a good one there. How do you know it's Shiny Brite?
Gorgeous tree topper !
Merry Christmas to you fortapache !
Thank you very much katherinescollections. Racer4four got it. Not sure if it is Shiny Brite but it seems to be a generic name for vintage ornaments of that type. I do have some actual Shiny Brites as I have the boxes.
And thank you very much Manikan. Merry Christmas to you!