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India dagger knife collection

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Fixed Blade Knives392 of 780India knife colectionIndia dagger/knives
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (6 items)

    I'm wondering if these are truly antiques worthy of continuing collecting or are these just regular knives. when I bought them they all have discriptions. says, rare, antique, collectable, vintage knives. the names varies fro, fighting knives, sword knife, hunting knives, carving knives , fixed blades, Gurkha kukri, bowie, saber tooth, indo-Persian knife all and forged., and of course India dagger/knives.Stamped INDIA, from India , from early 1800s-mid 1900s. One the says from the 17th centry. that's pretty dang old. how old do they really go I wonder?

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    1. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 7 years ago
      My only comment would be; The ones I have seen that are actually that old do not have flat head screws, they have hot rivets.
    2. RCassano, 7 years ago
      I don't know. From what I've found, flat head (slotted) screws were being produced around the 1840's (maybe earlier). I know the square drive was invented in 1908, so I'm sure slotted screws were around before then, at least.

      Still, as fhrjr2 indicates, it's not likely screws would be used on a knife from that period. Hot rivets were more durable. I haven't seen too many knife scabbards even today using screws.

      Being stamped "India", these could be "fantasy souvenir" type knives made to look like they're much older. It's really hard to tell. I've seen these posted elsewhere, but there was not indication of age or origination. They are pretty cool, though.
    3. melindadupont melindadupont, 7 years ago
      hi RCassano! may I ask , where, what sit you saw these knive at with hot rivets being used on these knives. maybe I could use the sites as leads to get my questions answered. get some more facts on these knives. one lead could lead to another. that would be great. im asking about the Idian Knife Collection.
    4. whyatt whyatt, 7 years ago
      the last pic shows a newer blade . looks stainless . probably been replaced at some point . the rest of the blades are not stainless and look original to me . some one probably had it repaired to complete this set .
      the other items you've shown look plenty old too , but I don't know if I think 1900 series knives had steel this good . . most of its rust . I know im likely wrong about my opinion , jm2cw. looks post 1900 to me .

      really cool old collections you have for sure . hope you get some better answers on them . the love function isn't working on my profile or youd have it !
    5. UncleRon UncleRon, 7 years ago
      These knives are tourist souvenirs made in India during the 1950s & 1960s. They can sometimes be found with double-ended sheaths having a knife & fork at opposite ends and intended as carving sets. The names are limited only the imagination of the seller and the gullibility of the buyer.
    6. Loganthewizard, 6 years ago
      I just bought some of these knifes myself and had no clue what they where before reading the comments, and to that I thank everyone for the helpful information. Anyways I found these knifes at a gun and knife show, the seller didn’t know what they where either ... so I haggled the total from twenty to fifteen dollars for two with no intent of looking into them, now that I have, I feel much better about having them, sad part is that, they no longer have the brass tips on the sheaths. It’s a brass eat brass world out there so watch out !!

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