Posted 7 years ago
(1483 items)
This 4 x 3" bushy tailed amber squirrel is from the Pilgrim Glass Co of WV, it was the #927 Squirrel in their 1970 glass animals catalog which also featured the Satin Squirrel #961 in a different design
Thank you so much TimeTraveller
Wonderful Jenni, I love squirrels. .....I remember seeing a little one at the zoo when I was little and have loved them ever since:-)
Thanks for the luv Adele
Glad you enjoyed my squirrel Judy, we don't have to go to a zoo to see these here, they run rampant on peoples lawns near trees & brush all around the country. They usually avoid people & scoot up a tree when you pass by, and they sort of run in slow motion- or as one of my brothers says, "in another dimension" lol
I wonder if John Wayne had something to do with the wonderful name of this glass ! So cute.
Lol Phil - "well, hello pilgrim", that sure is a possibility, as Pilgrim Glass was a West Virginia co, nowhere near the Mayflower pilgrims of the NE USA
Thank you so much for the luv fort & Roy, much appreciated
Thanks as always Ken, I'm a great animal lover as you know and squirrels sure are cute, I sort of used to feed them too as they would eat the spillover seed from my bird feeder, but sometimes they would capsize it & I'd chase them - of course they'd come right back soon as I left!
Many thanks for the luv aura
What a cute little guy :-)
So glad you liked my squirrel Mani, thanx for the kind compliment
Greatly appreciate the kind luv
Very cute squirrel Jenni!!
He is one of my favorites Scott, I'm glad you liked him too
Glad you liked my squirrel Jlmam
Very kind of you Sean
Thank you for the luv dlpetersen
Many thanks Truthisanarrow08 for the luv, happy holiday weekend
Many thanks for the squirrel love
Thanks Leelani for loving this amber glass squirrel, very glad you liked it always grateful for your kindness