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    Posted 7 years ago

    (2 items)

    My great aunt traveled the world and bought many interesting things. This brooch was something she left me along with a bracelet that matched. It seems she told me the brooch was once the class of the bracelet but that might be wrong. She told me this 40 years ago and I wasn’t paying very close attention! I would love to know more about this piece. Do any of you know by looking at photos when this was made or where it might have come from? Thank you.

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    1. Lucia Lucia, 7 years ago
      Pardon typo. The brooch might have been the CLASP to the bracelet.
    2. Trey Trey, 7 years ago
      Welcome to C.W. :)
    3. Lucia Lucia, 7 years ago
      Thank you to those who commented. Japanese origins sounds familiar.
    4. Celiene Celiene, 7 years ago
      I'd say carved coral and natural pearls. The mounting looks gold, as does the wires. BEAUTIFUL! I don't think it was a clasp. But it looks like it could alo hang as a pendant. Do you see any marks on the edges of the mount? Look inside & out.

      Do you still have the bracelt? Can you post that, if you do.
    5. Celiene Celiene, 7 years ago
      Are the coral parts cold or warm to the touch? Do they feel like glass or stone or plastic? IS that a mark at the bottom opposite the jump ring where you would add a chain?
    6. Lucia Lucia, 7 years ago
      Hi Celiene, and thank you. I will post photos of the bracelet. It is 14k Gold. I do remember she told me it was coral. That is about the only absolute memory I have; coral and pearl. It feels like enamel on teeth. It’s cold when I touch it but heats up as I hold it. I need to get my magnifying glas to check on the mark but I appreciate learning some terms. I think you might be dusting off cobwebs, or maybe I’m leading myself into memories but you jogged my memory to think she said it was too big to hang from a necklace so she wore it as a brooch.
    7. Lucia Lucia, 7 years ago
      I got an email from CW saying they were moving the piece to costume jewelry but I don’t believe it is celluloid. I will post pics of the bracelet as soon as I figure out how! I’m pitiful.
    8. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      very pretty!
    9. Trey Trey, 7 years ago
      Beautiful color :)
    10. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 7 years ago
      I thought it looked like celluloid myself and when I saw the brooch, I thought for sure coral. And then you said 14k gold, I'm sure then it would be coral. Yes, I totally agree with nutsabotas that it's Japan, same era as he said. If it's cold to the touch, it's most likely coral. You can compare some old pieces that maybe you know are costume and feel the difference.

      Good eye Celine, I thought I saw a hallmark then when I zoomed in I couldn't see it!
    11. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Wow! Not Japan... Those leaves and puffy apples are characteristic...
      The pearls were added later, see the wire holding them running everywhere on back.
    12. Lucia Lucia, 7 years ago
      Thank you, kyratango. I just looked at your page and see you know your stuff. Very fun for you and very helpful to me! I appreciate your knowledge and will all upon it again if you are willing to share it again!
    13. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the thanks, Lucia, it is my pleasure to help when I can :-)
      Welcome to CW!
    14. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      See on your profile you have rescued dogs, love that! All mine are unwanted, I always tell my friends "adopt, don't buy and neuter"...
    15. Lucia Lucia, 7 years ago
      Kyratango, yes. I’m the crazy rescue dog lady. I had two beautiful and wonderful labs that I bought from a breeder and they opened my eyes to all the strays. One pit after the next started finding me nine years ago and the first few were raised by the labs who died at very ripe ages two years ago. I never looked back after finding those first two pits. I have four now and have found homes for many others, all breeds. My cat, 15 and tough as nails, still rules the roost. Yours is a beauty! I have been very fortunate to meet many incredible souls who truly work in the rescue field. I’m just a one woman show but I admire the heck out of the others. Spaying and neutering is a cause of mine and I have paid for quite a few who weren’t mine. A great way to spend my money! Who needs nice shoes when you can have contented furry friends instead?! My husband teases me about the many human friends I have met through venues like CW but he will be envious when he hears I’m chatting with a woman in France. He spent two summers in Megeve and a year in Lille and he has been longing to return for 20 years. Oh how he misses those days!
    16. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Woohh, you are my hero!
      My pointer twins are from a second unwanted litter... they were gratis/free, with some thousands of fleas and hundreds of worms!

      We paid the vet bill for spaying the mother, as they had the father and 2 remaining males of her first litter... people are crazy!

      Tell your hubby I send him a "bisou" from France ;-D

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